Mockup d'un site vitrine d'une agence de location de voiture - Assloc
Project description

Visibility boost: creation of a showcase website and SEOperforming for Assloc

I had the opportunity to collaborate with Assloc, a premium car rental agency in France, to create their showcase website.

Together, we managed their SEO, with a particular focus on local SEO in Puiseux Pontoise, to improve their online visibility and attract more customers in that area.

Result? An ultra-fast website, enhanced online presence, and better local visibility, allowing Assloc to more effectively reach its target customers.

Objective of the project

A premium website,high-performance and user-friendlyfor premium car rentals

The objective of this project was to design a fast and convenient showcase site for car rental.

This involved optimizing online visibility through robust SEO strategies and adding optimized content to enrich the information and captivate the audience.

Thanks to these efforts, the site stands out for an improved user experience, increased ability to attract and retain visitor attention with excellent performance.

My expertise

Create a modern, fast and SEO optimized website

Smartphone avec capture d'écran

Tailor-made design

This site has been designed with a custom design for the client to perfectly match his brand branding and desired experience.

Media integration

I approached the design of the site with the integration of visual elements and illustrative images of rental cars.

Web development

To easily integrate the custom design and facilitate accessibility for both users and customers, I opted for the use of WordPress.

SEO optimization

I have implemented all the necessary SEO optimizations for the good referencing of the site, especially on the Local SEO aspect to increase traffic.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Un sitepuissant et performantcomme la BMW X6

PageSpeed Score
0 %
PageSpeed Score
0 %
PageSpeed Score
0 %
Google PageSpeed Insights

A powerful and high-performance website like the BMW X6

PageSpeed Score
0 %
PageSpeed Score
0 %
PageSpeed Score
0 %



Web design & SEO


3 weeks

